Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Resolutions!

I have decided that if I don't write these things down I will never know if I completed them or not so here is my list.

1. Run a half marathon
2. Graduate from Dixie with my Associates
3. Apply for the Nursing Program
4. Train for a marathon (I want to run but am not sure if I will)
5. Declutter my house
6. Lose 10 pounds
7. Finish my High School blanket
8. Go to Jamacia (Trip is planned for May-June)
9. Work out at least 4 times a week
10. And last but not least start trying to have a baby! (This will not be until the end of the year though)

And there they are. I figured if I set ten goals I should be able to make at least half of them! :) Since Geoff got me my new camera (Nikon D5000) I am hoping to have pictures of each resolution as I complete them. So here is to a great and wonderful new year. May it bring much joy and happiness to everyone!


The Capitans said...

I dont know that I want to see the picture of you trying to have a baby, but other than that, I think it's a great idea.

Geoff and Niccole said...

haha it would more be a picture of my growing belly!

Josh 'n Jenn said...

Sounds like 2011 is gonna be an awesome year! we haven't written any resolutions down- good family night activity for tomorrow I think... thanks for the reminder!