Thursday, December 9, 2010


Do you ever get the feeling that life is flying by and that there is not enough time in a day to get all you want to do accomplished? This is how my life seems to be going these days. It is now December and I think that my last post was in September. I really want to keep up to date on this but it seems like there is never any time. The only reason that I am getting to write now is because it is 12:30 in the morning and I am 11 hours into a 16 hour shift. Working NOC shifts can be very stressful and really messes up your sleeping schedule. I am covering for a coworker who has a sick father. I have no idea why I said yes other then the money is nice to have. I should be at home right now curled up in bed with Geoff. (Whom by the way I have not seen in 21 hours, and he will be gone when I get home so it will be like 30 some hours). This is very sad to me. I love my husband and hate to be away from him. I really  need to do an update on what has been going on in our lives but non of the pictures on my camera are on my computer so I will not be posting any of them tonight. I usually say that not much has been going on in our lives anyways. I am sure that will soon be changing! I will be graduating in May with my Associates in Science. Not really a big deal but it will be nice to be done with school for awhile. I still need to decide what I want to do for a career. I really was into doing Nursing but at the moment it just seems like to much more school. I am still loving my job as a CNA which is really strange to most people. I love being able to interact with my residents and hearing about their lives. It is funny how much more interesting their lives are then mine. All I do is work and school. But as mentioned before that may be changing soon. My brother is getting married on Saturday. Who would have thought that Tyler would get married so soon after his mission. I am really excited for him. Chelsea is a great girl and I know she will keep Tyler in line. I will have more to post about this later. If you have made it through all of this congrats I know that I did not really tell you much but I am hoping that after finals next week I will have some time to get the blogging world updated on my very boring life. Sorry that it is all in block format I am to lazy to go and make it look nice!!!

1 comment:

Shantel said...

Niccole, It's great to get an update from you! I am so excited for you to graduate. That will be so nice. Also, I'm so excited for Tyler - isn't being married the best? Hope you are doing well!