Monday, June 27, 2011

97 days until the marathon and Day 1 of Cross fit

Today I am starting a 6 week challenge at Cross Fit. The program is designed to help you get in shape in all areas of athletics. They are based on improving a persons fitness. On Thursday I went and got weighed and had some measurements taken. But I can not remember the measurements right now so I will not be posting them. I am really excited about trying something new to lose weight. I have been running but it seems as though I have plateaued and I am not sure why. I still have at least 50 pounds to lose. I am hoping that Cross Fit can get me passed the plateau. I will be doing weekly weigh ins on Monday. I am not really comfortable posting my weight on here but since this is for journal purposes I guess I should. As of today I am 173.2. I would like to be 135 or so. That means that I have a long way to go. I will be taking some before pictures tonight but I do not think that I will post them just yet. I look terrible. I started today of well I went to spin at the Summit, the class was good but it kicked my butt. Now I am getting ready to go to my first day at Cross Fit. Wish me luck. I will keep everyone posted on how things go.

There are 97 days  until the Marathon. Geoff and I are running and we are getting excited. I wish that I was as far along in my training as Geoff is. Sometimes I just dont have the motivation to do anything. Geoff can always get the motivation to do things. I am so not like that. Geoff ran in the American Fork half marathon on Saturday. He did so good! Even though he forgot his running shoes and had to run in his Doc Martins. He has blisters on his feet and his legs are quite sore but he did so well. He set a new time record. I am so proud of him. So here is to my training to get motivated. I have to get my butt in gear if I want to finish in the time limit. It has changed this year.

Geoff and I are also running the Bryce Canyon half marathon in 3 weeks. This will be my first half marathon. I am very nervous about it but feel like I will be ready. I am excited to be able to prove to myself that I can do this. It is a goal that I have set that I can not wait to to finish!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Cross Fit change you. You'll see a difference in the 1st week- I GUARENTEE it! Geoff's ran in Doc's!? Crazy kid! LOL how do you find out about all these races? I had a goal of running 3 5K's this year but with it being so far into the year and not training I'm not sure that'll happen. YOu'll do great! Congrats!

Geoff and Niccole said...

You can find them in all kinds of places. If you ever want to run a 5K with me you can. That is my race of choice.