Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cross Fit day 3... I mean Transformers!

Today I woke up so sore I thought I was going to die. The workout we did was a killer. I got up and went to the gym planning on running 6 miles. I managed to do 3. I ended up walking most of it because when I would run everything would hurt. My arms, legs, and abs are on fire. I do not think that there is enough icy hot in the world that could take away the pain that I am feeling. So I decided that I would not be attending Crossfit today. I did attempt to run so I think that I got my workout in :) Besides Geoff had decided that we were going to go and see the 5:40 showing of Transformers. It was awesome! I am so a movie person and would go and see every movie that comes out if I could afford too. Not that we dont go and see most of them because we do! I am looking forward to attending Crossfit again. I really do enjoy the workouts and the people that are there always encouraging me to finish. My next race is on July 16th so I need to get some running in again. Hopefully I am not as sore tomorrow and I can get a long run in. That would at least make me feel better about myself.

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